bookshelves: #51

In bookshelves i send out twice a week an invitation to someone for presenting his/her favorite bookshelf or writer. To let them explain their choice or let the shelf speak for itself. Bookshelves is concerned with collecting, collections and the sincere love for books. In bookshelves nodig ik tweemaal per week iemand uit om zijn/haar favoriete boekenplank of schrijver te tonen. Om iets over hun keuze te vertellen of de plank te laten “spreken”. Bookshelves gaat over verzamelen, collecties en de oprechte liefde voor boeken. Today/Vandaag bookshelves: #51 Carlotta Brunetti


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“There are different ones. In the house on several different floors and my childrens books and some others in my studio-drawing space. All a bit small and difficult to take. I love my childhood books as they have a deep influence on me and then on my own children.There is a space for catalogues and then all over the place are littered always some books. I am not very tidy with it…all where. Beside I read Calvino in Italian and it is easy to read. His language is as you would say in German blumig- means flowering or something like that, very Tuscan. My mother said he writes as my father from Florence did speak. She too was pleased to read him in Italian (lingua toscana).”


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Carlotta Brunetti


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